V-Offset Multiple Pressure-Absorbed Sealing Ball Valve
VEROV V-offset metal sealing ball valve is our self-developed patented product (patent number) forrigorous and complex fluid medium, which integratesthe applicable advantages of various valves under strictworking conditions.The design mainly solves thecondition of high pressure erosion of pipeline solidimpurity particles, high and low temperaturealternation and cycling conditions (temperature rangefrom -196°C to 850°C), bi-directional zero sealingleakage or blocking damage under chemical corrosion
resistance and coking conditions.
.V-offset sealing of multiple pressure absorbing
VEROV V-olset eliptical seal structure innovates fourth and fith new eccentric sealing between sealing ring and valve seat, thus buildshelerogeneous spherical muliple pressure absorbing to seal: pressure through each sealng ine gradually absorbed by muliple Vo setlme sealing plus surlace sealing slep by step untl no leakage. This eect is more stable, less torque (the lorque is 30- -6096 lower thansimilar torque sealing valve)
.V-offset uniform synchronous sealing of positive circle
Compared with the conventional double eccenlric and triple eccentric sealing struclure, VEROV V-olset eliplical seal siruclure innovalesfourth and fith olfset of positive circle uniform synchronous sealing struclure, even under axtreme temperalure ucualions (-196'C to 850^Cythe sealina comoonents alwavs maintain the same dearee of contraclion and expansion, to ensure is unifom synchronous sealing,
V-offset bi-directional torque sealing without spring by one single seat
VEROV V-offset ball valve is self-regulating of torque sealing. Valve seat without spring or lipseal, not relying on spring or medium pressure, it's driven directly through the stem torque tosecure the soat and seal ring tightly fitted to ensure sealing stabilty, The whole ball is supported byup and bottom stem perfectly, greatly help valve seat to resist the additional force caused bymedium pressure, more suitable for high pressure large-diameter and heavy load workingconditions. This design eliminates the vibration or failure between the traditional ball and valveseat due to the influence of the medium temperature and operating condilions. As its sealingpower direclly comes from the handle, gearbox, acluator, the sealing is more rellable, thesealing class is higher, and truly realize stable bi-direclional sealing wth zero leakage.
.V-offset friction-less sealing
When the valve is opened at measured degree 0-3°, the sealing ring and seat operate underthe fourth and fifth eccentric angles simultaneously, achieving no friction closure, less torque andlonger life, through the quarter loop of quick open and cose, "selflocking handle" of manual valvewill mmediately show that the position is on or off.
.V-offset self-clean sealing with replaceable Seal ring at same timewithout valve cavity trap
VEROV V-offset ball valve with full open bore, no cavity or hidden area, no cavity trapaccumulation, no need special pressure rellel, sealing ring will self clean valve seat surfaceeliminate the wear caused by welding slag or pipe impurily , fundamentally elminate valvestuck danger caused by the valve cavity residual medium and solid valve particles, extendingthe service life of the valve.
The core sealing kit can be replaced
to reduce the production cost and solve the factory shutdown problem during maintenance
The sealing ring and valve seat can be flexibly disassembled and assembled without special foals, which can be replaced at any time